NIW 추천서에는 어떤 내용을 포함해야 하는가

개요 변호사 비용 진행 절차 자주하는 질문 논문 인용 자격 조건 중 수상 경력에 관해

NIW 추천서에는 어떤 내용을 포함해야 하는가

그러면 NIW 추천서에 정확히 어떤 내용을 넣어야 할까요? 이민국에서는 NIW 추천서의 양식을 따로 정해놓고 있지 않으므로 어떤 양식으로 추천서를 작성하든지 상관없습니다. 하지만 AAO의 관련 사례와 이민국의 메모를 살펴보면 다음과 같은 내용이 좋은 NIW 추천서에 꼭 들어가야 한다는 것을 알 수 있으며 저희 경험으로도 이를 직접 확인하였습니다.

1. 추천서 작성자의 성과와 신청인의 연구를 평가할 수 있는 자격조건을 포함한 소개

NIW 추천서에서 한 단락이나 적어도 여러 문장 정도를 할애하여 추천인을 소개해야 합니다. 구체적으로 추천인의 이름, 직책, 해당 전문 분야에서의 성과와 업적, 그리고 신청인의 연구를 객관적으로 평가할 수 있는 어떤 자격 조건이 있는지 설명해야 합니다.

2. NIW신청인을 어떻게 알게 되었는지 간략한 설명

추천서 작성자가 신청인을 어떻게 알게 되었는지에 대한 설명을 통해 이민국 심사관은 신청인과 추천인의 관계를 짐작할 수 있습니다. 추천인이 제3자인 경우 이 부분은 신청인의 국제적 혹은 국가적 명성을 증명하는 또 하나의 증거가 되므로 아주 중요합니다.

추천인이 신청인을 어떻게 알게 되었는지를 간략하게 설명하는 다음의 여러 예문을 참고하세요.

  • “I came to know about [신청인] through his magnificent contributions to pharmaceutical science, which has appeared in a leading scientific journal.”
  • “Because of [신청인의] distinguished achievements during his Ph.D. study, I invited him to join my laboratory so that he could apply his wealthy knowledge and unique expertise of membrane protein structure and function to our studies of ion channel proteins that are involved in nervous system disorders.”
  • “Although I have no personal ties to [신청인], I am quite familiar with his research interest and works and scientific expertise. I first became acquainted with [신청인의] research during an international conference while he was still a Ph.D. student at Purdue University.”
  • “I served as an Associates Editor for the peer-reviewed journal Crop Science for six years. During 2005 I managed the review of an article by [신청인]. Given the unique nature of the article, I requested three rather than the typical two reviews. It was my opinion that the article presented pioneering research that was of the highest quality. The three reviewers all felt the manuscript should be published.”
  • “I met [신청인] in the summer of 2001 when I visited Professor XXX’s lab at the University of Pittsburgh. During my 6 weeks of stay there, [신청인] and I worked together on the research project of two-dimensional thermal convection. It was during that time that I noticed his special understanding and broad knowledge in physics, especially in the area of fluid turbulence.”

3. 신청인의 연구 내용

좋은 NIW 추천서는 신청인의 연구 내용을 직접적으로 다루어야 합니다. 앞에서 설명드렸듯이 좋은 추천서는 포장만 번지르르하고 알맹이는 없는 빈 칭찬이 아니라 신청인의 연구활동에 대한 설명과 평가를 통해 NIW 신청서 승인의 정당성을 설득력 있게 뒷받침해야 합니다.

뿐만 아니라, 추천서의 내용은 여러분의 NIW 신청서 커버레터에도 포함됩니다. 여러분의 연구성과와 업적을 긍정적으로 논의한 추천서의 문구를 인용한 커버레터는 더욱 설득력이 있을 것입니다. 그럼 NIW 신청인의 연구 내용을 자세히 다루고 있는 좋은 추천서의 몇 가지 예를 아래에서 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

  • “[신청인] has created a series of experiments to characterize the nature of convection and flow in thin liquid films. He has been an important collaborator in a combined experimental and theoretical project on thin film flows that involves myself and professor XXX of the Technion in Israel. Overall, he has carried out outstanding research, both in quality and quantity.”
  • “[신청인] has made groundbreaking findings in controlled drug delivery systems called polymeric nanocarriers to combat breast cancer. [신청인의] development of several unique strategies has led to new applications in controlled drug delivery systems. In addition, his research demonstrated that his system is effective in protecting healthy human cells against tumor cells. His work has shown that certain chemical features of his drug delivery system are able to specifically target tumor cells.”
  • “[신청인의] work focuses on the delivery of anti-cancer agents using novel designs of polymer carriers. When these polymers are hydrated, they can circulate in the blood for periods of up to about 24 hours. Another important advantage of this polymer is that the linkage can be designed to control where and when the drug is released by tumor cells. It also allow the use of much higher doses of these anti-cancer drugs. [신청인] had demonstrated that up to 10 fold of polymer-drug conjugate material could be given in a single dose to a mouse without any toxicity.”
  • “[신청인] has discovered that his drug delivery system has potent chemotherapeutic activity against cutaneous breast carcinoma, melanoma and leukemia cells. This work is ground breaking because it provides a totally new system for anti-cancer intervention, and will no double lead to new considerations for preventive and therapeutic strategies.”
  • “[신청인의] current project, focusing on BK channels, has provided intriguing and important insights as to how phosphorylation and alternative splicing of BK channels regulates excitability of neurons. He has made the surprising discovery that brain BK channels are extensively phosphorylated and alternatively spliced. Such findings are important to understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying molecular regulation of electrical excitability, and are also critically helpful for the development of novel therapeutic approaches for mental and neurological disorders.”
  • “[신청인] has made many very valuable contributions to our group’s research at Duke. Working with Dr. XXX and Dr. YYY, [신청인] has constructed and carried out experiments describing the complex dynamics of liquid mixtures subjected to thermal heating. [신청인의] laboratory studies were absolutely crucial in validating predictions made by theoretical models.”

4. 신청인을 같은 분야의 다른 사람들로부터 돋보이게 하는 강력한 지지

여러분의 연구 성과를 증명하는 전문가로부터의 추천서는 NIW 신청서에 아주 중요합니다. 그러나 이러한 추천서는 신청인이 이민법에서 정한 NIW 자격 기준을 만족한다는 주장, 즉 신청인의 연구 분야가 본질적으로 고유한 가치를 지니며, 신청인의 성과가 같은 분야의 다른 사람들과 비교하여 월등하기 때문에 NIW를 신청할 자격이 있다는 주장을 강화할 수 있어야 한다는 것을 명심하세요. 단순하게 여러분의 능력에 대해서만 논의하거나 같은 분야의 다른 연구자들과 비교하여 여러분을 돋보이게 하는 데 실패한 증거는 영향력이 적어 여러분의 NIW 케이스를 뒷받침 해주지 못하고 오히려 승인 거절의 이유가 될 수도 있습니다.

추천인이 자신의 업무활동을 향상시키기 위해 외국인 수혜자의 업무활동에 개인적으로 의존했으면, 영향이 어떻게 성립되는지 자세하게 논해야 합니다. 추천인이 활동분야에서 외국인의 명성을 인식하고 있거나 활동분야에서 외국인이 성취한 영향의 범위를 알고 있으면, 추천서에 구체적인 사례를 들어서 설명해야 합니다.

다음의 예문은 같은 분야의 다른 연구자들로부터 신청인을 돋보이게 하는 좋은 예이므로 참고하세요.

  • "[신청인의] work establishes an excellent method for deprotection of the N-Boc group, a methodology useful for synthesis of many biologically active compounds and peptides. Discovering a useful new method in organic chemistry is a significant achievement."
  • "[신청인] is an outstanding and exceptionally skilled scientist whose groundbreaking research work is of vital importance to our country's biomedical research efforts and improvement of public health in national scope. His accomplishments to date have far exceeded those of the vast majority of his peers as evidenced by his productive publications in premier scientific journals and frequent citations of hisvworks by other researchers...."
  • "[신청인] has achieved great distinction and has made many breakthroughs in his elegant research."
  • "As a young scientist, [신청인] has achieved spectacular accomplishments in the research field of membrane protein structure and function."
  • "[[신청인의] manuscript was the first and most important paper in this kind of research in Crop Science and it makes significant contributions to studies of traits of agricultural importance."
  • "[신청인] made significant scientific contributions to the field of two-dimensional turbulence where new non-invasive techniques were implemented with a great potential for future research. Important results were also obtained by [신청인] in the field of polymer-turbulence interactions where polymer stretching imparts a drastic effect on quenching turbulence. He also obtained new, important and unexpected results regarding the exponential tail for the decaying two-dimensional turbulence. These results shed a new light on the physics of final stage of a vortex liquid."
  • "During [신청인의] PhD studies, he made outstanding contributions. He succeeded in using soap film to investigate for the first time in the world two dimensional thermal turbulence. He reported new series of data on velocity distributions that challenged theorists. He discovered the coexistence of Boganio and Kolmogorov scaling laws and performed for the first time in the world simultaneous measurements of thermal and mechanical powers in a turbulent system. . . ."
  • "His work was very significant because he developed new experimental pathways for the study of two-dimensional turbulence in complex situations, a phenomenon of particular relevance in the evolution of the climate. His work will provide extremely valuable guidance for the elaboration of complex numerical codes aiming at modeling the climate."

5. NIW 추천서에는 실질적인 정보가 포함되어야

좋은 NIW 추천서는 구체적인 예를 통해 신청인이 가지고 있는 높은 수준의 특별한 전문 지식이나 기술에 대해 반드시 언급해야 합니다. NIW 케이스의 AAO 판결을 살펴보면 이민국에서는 구체적인 예시가 없는 추천인의 찬사는 근거가 없는 것으로 간주할 것이라고 지적하고 있습니다.

만약 추천인이 신청인의 고용주 혹은 지도교수라면 추천서에 반드시 신청인이 담당하고 있는 업무에 대해 자세히 적고 그 업무를 수행하는데 필요한 자격에 대해서도 설명해야 합니다. 비록 NIW 신청서에 고용주의 채용제의는 필요하진 않지만, 고용주의 추천서를 통해 신청인의 직책은 해당 분야의 최정상에 있는 개인이나 업무 수행에 필요한 특별한 능력을 갖춘 소수만이 채용자격이 있으며, 신청인은 그 중 한 명에 해당한다는 것을 강조할 수 있습니다.

앞서 설명드린 바와 같이, 좋은 NIW 추천서는 알맹이 없는 겉치레 칭찬을 피하고 칭찬을 뒷받침할 수 있는 실질적인 정보를 반드시 포함해야 합니다. 신청인의 연구활동에 대해 수박 겉핧기식으로 간단히 언급하고 넘어가고 신청인의 박식함과 유능함에 대해 언급은 했으나 신청인의 기여가 어떻게 해당 분야에서 중요하고 지속적인 영향을 미치는지에 대한 구체적인 정보가 없다면 이러한 추천서는 설득력이 부족합니다.

그럼 NIW 추천서에 포함된 실질적인 정보의 예를 아래에서 살펴보겠습니다:

  • "[신청인] submitted printouts from citation databases and copies of citing articles and book chapters, establishing 73 citations of his work. About 90% of these citations are independent rather than self-citations by the petitioner or his co-authors."
  • "[신청인의] research has been well received and lauded in the fields of membrane structure and function and membrane bioenergetics, as evidenced by more than 100 citations of his papers by other researchers in these fields."
  • "[신청인] has made a highly distinctive and invaluable contribution to a research field that is vital to human health and the development of sustainable and renewable energy resources."
  • "[Surely, the amazing number of times (100) his publications have been cited by other scientists in the last few years reinforces my personal opinion that [신청인] is a prominent young scientist of extraordinary scientific capabilities and outstanding accomplishments."
  • "[신청인] joined my research group in September, 2006. I hand-selected him out of 12 high-qualified applicants for his impressive and strong educational and research experience and skills in traditional plant breeding, molecular biology and statistics. "
  • "[신청인] is a key scientist in my corn breeding and genetics laboratory. He is responsible for discovering drought and heat tolerance genes, identifying new physiological traits contributing to drought tolerance, and developing molecular breeding tools for genetic improvement of stress tolerance. The accomplishment of this project would significantly contribute to the crop production under water stressed environments."
  • "[신청인] played a critical role in my research projects. During his time in my laboratory, he published a total of four peer-reviewed papers and has already submitted a paper for publication from his post-doctoral research. [신청인의] papers attracted international interests. I am sure that these results will become cited worldwide in the next few years. [신청인] discovered quantitative trait loci [QTL] for soybean resistance to soybean cyst nematode (SCN), the first major pest in soybean. His discoveries enhanced our understanding in development of SCN-resistant cultivars."
  • "Although I do not know [신청인] personally, I am familiar with his research since he worked in a field closely related to my own. There is only a relatively small number of researchers working in the specific area of thermal convection. Because of this, their papers get cited only by a small number of people, and large numbers of citations should not be expected. The relatively small number of citations does not in any way imply a low level of importance of the work, and the real contributions to scientific knowledge must be measured by other means."

강력한 추천서는 NIW 신청서의 성공적인 승인에 결정적인 역할을 합니다. 우리 Chen 법률 사무소에서는 NIW 신청서 성공 승인에 추천서가 얼마나 중요한 역할을 하는지 잘 알기 때문에 별도의 추가 비용 없이 각각 개별화된 추천서의 초안을 작성해드립니다. 우리는 좋은 추천서를 쓰기 위해서는 미 이민국의 규정과 이민법에 대한 정확한 이해가 필요하며, 따라서 이를 틀에 박힌 견본 서식으로 대체할 수 없다고 믿습니다. NIW 신청서를 제출하는 것은 성공적인 이민을 위한 중요한 발걸음이며 결코 가볍게 생각해서는 안 됩니다. 그냥 한번 해보자라는 생각으로 NIW 신청서를 접수하지 마세요. 최근 들어 신청서 처리 기간이 길어진 관계로 무작정 접수한 신청서는 영주권을 받기까지의 기간을 더욱 지연시킬 수 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라, 같은 카테고리 내에서 신청서를 여러 번 접수하는 것을 법으로 금지하고 있지는 않으나 NIW 신청서 승인 거절 이후 자격조건이 크게 향상되지 않은 상태에서 재신청할 경우 다시 승인 거절을 받을 가능성이 높습니다.

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