고객 추천글

NIW Approvals with Citations<10 EB1A Approvals with Citations<100
EB1 Approvals with Citations<50 EB1/NIW Approvals within 30 days
206 2013-10-23 07:22:10
J. Z.
Staff Scientist at Medical University of South Carolina

“Thank you so much for letting me know this great news and all your precious help! I really appreciate it!”

Oct 17, 2013, J. Z. was Chen Immigration's client (From Email Conversation)
205 2013-10-23 07:21:25
H. K.
Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine

“Dear [Chen Immigration Law Associates], I cannot say thank you enough for your expertise on my I-140 case. Your excellent work and dedicated service totally exceeded my expectation. It is amazing to have my case approved that fast. This is truly the one of life time moments!”

Oct 17, 2013, H. K. was Chen Immigration's client (From Email Conversation)
204 2013-10-23 07:20:06
Z. H.
Device/Process Integration Researcher & Developer

“Thank you [Chen Immigration Law Associates]. I really appreciate your help to file my petition and get the approval. You did a very great job. Thanks again for your all out cooperation. ”

Oct 18, 2013, Z. H. was Chen Immigration's client (From Email Conversation)

203 2013-10-23 07:19:20
R. S.
Consultant at PRO Unlimited

“Thanks a lot for all your hard work. I had almost given up the possibility, and had it not been you folks my case has never been approved. I will recommend your firm to all my friends.”

Oct 22, 2013, R. S. was Chen Immigration's client (From Email Conversation)
202 2013-10-21 13:41:48
J. A.
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of New Mexico

“Thank you very much for all the legal help with this. I will sure be very glad to recommend your firm on the LinkedIn profile and even to my friends keen on filing I-140 petition. Much thanks again.”

Oct 19, 2013, J. A. was Chen Immigration's client (From Email Conversation)
201 2013-10-21 13:39:22
R. V.
Clinical Fellow in Hematology and Oncology at Mayo Clinic

“Thank you very much for your excellent help with my application. I am very happy that I chose your firm, and will certainly recommend it to others.”

Oct 16, 2013, R. V. was Chen Immigration's client (From Email Conversation)

200 2013-10-21 13:38:42
S. K.
Graduate research assistant at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

“Thank you very much for the great news and all your help! It was a great experience working with you. I definitely recommend you to my friends as I did in past couple of months. Thank you very much again for all the work!!!”

Sep 12, 2013, S. K. was Chen Immigration's client (From Email Conversation)
199 2013-10-18 12:21:01
P. L. C.
Research Scientist at AZ Electronic Materials

"After doing some research, I still feel extremely fortunate that I decided to have [Chen Immigration Law Associates] to handle my case. They recommended me to go with the EB2-NIW path. I must say it was the right choice to make and it was with the greatest pressure working with them. They are absolutely knowledgeable and they do make the very best decision for each case, which make each case special and as strong as they could get. They answered my questions/concerns without any delay, prompt and straight to the right answer. With all the help from her team, I filed the petition on Sept 23, 2013, and they just notified me that the case has been approved. It's been only 3 weeks!! This result is simply phenomenal. I, without any doubt, highly recommended [Chen Immigration Law Associates] to the people who are looking to apply for permanent residency in the US."

October 18, 2013, P. L. C. was Chen Immigration's client (from LinkedIn)

198 2013-10-18 12:19:56
J. L.
Postdoctoral Associate in bio-medical imaging

“I have worked with Chen Immigration for my Eb2-NIW application in 2013 and it was a great success, we was approved in only 45 days. I am impressed by the level of profession and passion of Chen Immigration. They took effort to understand my work with extensive depth and thus was able to provide a powerful petition letter with both precise description of my research and strong argument of my potential value as a US resident, which lead to our success. Throughout the collaboration, they are very patient with my schedule, and always responded in a timely manner. In addition, [Chen Immigration Law Associates] has been very helpful and patient to answer all my questions, which facilitated a lot of the work on my side. Overall, I am very thankful for their help on my case, and I would recommend Chen Immigration Associate with no to my friends and any potential personals.”

October 18, 2013, J. L. was Chen Immigration's client (from LinkedIn)
197 2013-10-16 08:40:05
K. B.
Post-Doc in MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

I am very impressed with their service. On time, to the point, responsive and fair. My NIW case was approved less in about 2 weeks. I also like the fairness of the firm: they could have bundled I-140 and I-485 together but instead they give you an option. You don't see this level of fairness everywhere.